Beyond the Physical Presence
You know that awkward moment when someone’s physically there but mentally on Mars? (Like that older brother who stood outside the party, arms crossed, looking like someone stole his fatted calf). Real presence means being fully engaged – not just nodding and making appropriate facial expressions like we’re scrolling through Instagram.
The Netflix Effect
Just like how people mix their Netflix wisdom with grandma’s advice and twenty years of preaching, we need to be present enough to help our families separate godly wisdom from worldly noise. And no, binge-watching Bible documentaries doesn’t count as quality family time!
The Stranger Things
As “strangers and pilgrims” in this world, we’re called to be distinctively present. Think of it as being the one guy who actually sees the emperor has no clothes – except in this case, we’re helping our families see God’s truth.
Practical Tip
Start by being present at family functions. Be real…especially when the kids are young.
Remember, we all have our “fleshliness” moments – those times when the couch looks more appealing than your kid’s three-hour recorder concert where we pray for deafness. But showing up isn’t about perfection; it’s about persistence. Besides, you might miss out on the fatted calf if you stay outside like that grumpy older brother!
Look at Romans 12:1-2. Notice the order? I believe the order is significant. We are not to sit by the sidelines and wait for God’s will to be reveal. God’s will is revealed in the Bible. We are to step in and step up by “presenting our bodies”.
This week, be intentionally present in one situation where you’d usually check out. Warning: Side effects may include meaningful conversations, stronger relationships, and fewer episodes of your favorite show in your Netflix queue.